The novel “Variations for Ibn Pajko” by Olivera Nikolova was published in Moscow at the very beginning of September 2013, just a few days before the opening of the 26th Moscow International Book Fair, the greatest literary fair in Russia. With this novel Russia participates in the project “Hundred Slavic Novels” realized by the Forum of Slavic Cultures. The publisher of the book is “Rudomino”.
The publication of the book is high quality, in hardcover, in circulation of 1000 copies. At the 26th Moscow International Book Fair the book was exhibited at the stand of the publishing house “Rudomino” and the Forum of Slavic Cultures.
On September 6th, this Macedonian novel was also successfully presented in the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature “Rudomino”. In the interview the Russian literary historian Julia Sozina gave for the radio “The Voice of Russia”, she expressed, among other things, her gratitude to the slavist and translator Olga Pankina, a well-known promotor of Macedonian literature in the Russian speaking area, for her choice of “Ibn Pajko” among the 10 selected novels and her extraordinary translation of this novel which will undoubtefully be very interesting for the Russian readers.